General information on the Centre
The Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “The Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation named after S.S. Alekseev” (hereinafter – the Centre) was founded by the Order of the President of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1991 («Charter»)
The name of Sergei Sergeyevich Alexeyev is reflected in the title of the Centre according to the Presidential decree No. 748 of 30 September 2013 “On the Perpetuating the Memory of S.S. Alexeyev” in recognition of his remarkable contribution to the development of national science and of his important role in the formation of the Centre.
Mikheeva Lidiya Yuriyevna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation is the Chairman of the Centre’s Council (Head) according to the Russian Federation Government Ordinance No. 1936-Р of 31 Auguest 2019.
From the date of its foundation the Centre was set with the objective to bring legislation in line with the new economic relations in the shortest time possible. The core of this work was the preparation of the new Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the economic Constitution of the country. As a result of intense creative work of the staff of the Centre four Parts of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation were adopted between 1994 and 2006. During 2008-2010 the Centre prepared extensive amendments to the provisions of the Code were made to bring it into compliance with evolved social and economic relations. Many modifications are already brought into force but some of them are still at the stage of adoption.
At the same time for a better understanding of the substantive changes in the legislation, the website of the Centre contains important materials and information about the reform, such as the Concepts of the Legislation Reforms (general provisions of civil law, corporate law, law of property, law of obligations, etc.).
Along with the above mentioned reformation of the Civil Code, the Centre is engaged in many other different projects on the development of the Russian civil law legislation. At the requests of the Presidential State-Legal Directorate, the Government of the Russian Federation and the federal ministries and agencies, the Centre prepares expert opinions on legislative drafts in the sphere of civil law and concepts thereof at any stage of the lawmaking procedure. The Centre also interacts with the Presidential Council for Codification and Enhancement of Civil Legislation (was founded by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No.1338 of 05 October 1999 on the proposition of the High Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation and at the initiative of the Research Centre) and provides it with organizational support.
A separate section of the website is devoted to the activities of the Presidential Council for Codification of Civil Legislation.
Moreover, the Centre took an active and even creative role in the exceptionally important process of the harmonization and unification of private law of countries that form the Commonwealth of Independent States. In 1994-1995 the Model Civil Code was prepared for the CIS countries. On its basis, with some minor modifications, eight countries of the Commonwealth, such as Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, adopted their own civil codes. Later the Model Civil Code was to a certain extent used by Ukraine during the preparation of its national Civil Code.
Scientific research and publication of its results constitute the daily and continuing activities of the Centre. Basic methodological principles of the research are provided by the programme “The Formation and the Development of Private Law in Russia” adopted by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No.1473 of 07 July 1994 on the proposition of the Centre.
Additional activities of the Centre are the consulting and research functions as related to the preparation of the legal opinions at the request of different organisations.
Along with the research as an integral and principal part of Centre’s activities, educational activities at the Russian School for Private Law (hereinafter – the School) form another important aspect of the Centre’s functions.
Initially, the School was founded at the initiative of the main authors of the new Russian Civil Code, because with the adoption of such a monumental private-law act, a huge gap in the law education system appeared and became apparent. The school was entrusted with the task of training lawyers of the highest qualification, who could support the ideals and values of private law and be future heirs of national civil-law school. Over the years of its existence, the School in Moscow and in Yekaterinburg (founded on 17 March 1995) prepared a whole new generation of civilists, more than 900 highly-qualified masters of law that are able to solve problems and issues of any complexity.
The School has always formed a single whole with the Centre and that is why despite its formal inclusion into the structure of the Centre on 1 June 2005, the School as an organizational unit of the Centre is still a true successor to the Russian School for Private Law traditions, particularly from the perspective of the contents of educational programs and academics teaching the respective courses. At present the School as part of the Centre offers master’s programs on a budget or a fee paid basis. A detailed information on the activities of the School can be found in the respective section of this website.